Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hi there...

Well hello there!  You may notice that things look a bit...different around here, we sort of gave ourself a whole new "face lift" and in our little humble opinion, things got a whole lot better!

Change is always a little hard to deal with and a bit uncomfortable at first, and like for anyone, making a change in our web presence and branding is certainly an adjustment!  However, I think that our new site is a much better reflection of us, our personal style, and our philosophy about design & creativity.  

What's new at MY Design?  Well, everything!!

-Updated BRANDING!  We've decided we can use a facelift, a little update.... and so we DID! ( You just gotta love that little smiley guy!)

-SERVICE!!!!  FINALLY we've acknowledged our "soft spot" and hired an AMAZING TEAM! We're really excited to have 3 new members join us.   NEW  secretary/graphic artist/sales have all been added..   and some decent hours so that we can be reachable!! (ya for real!!) :) try us 732.930.2000

-We've expanded our services to offer package design and PRINTING. That means, we are now your one stop shop for all your packaging needs, from design all the way to the fnished product. Bags, boxes, ... you name it we can do it!

-A better gallery section (making it easier to see our latest work!)
-And GIVEAWAYS!! We will be holding bi-weekly awesome giveaways on the blog right here.. keep checking back for some amazing creative contests!!

So poke around, discover the little nooks and crannies of the new site & blog, and enjoy!


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